One State Many Worlds - Creative Hub

Social Panga along with Karnataka Tourism developed a campaign ‘One State Many Worlds’, and promoted the idea of being grateful and hopeful, through the enchanting cinematics and messages to help assist everybody in strengthening the fight against the pandemic.

Staying indoors amidst this pandemic is having us crave to be able to move around freely, travel to places, soak in the sun and stretch ourselves by the ocean, walk through beautiful trails and face the bold winds. Soon we’ll all travel with more gratitude, with more hope and more love for what has been abundant to us. Karnataka Tourism hopes to see you again soon, until then Stay Indoors, Be Safe and let your mind script an adventure!

Let us appreciate the beauty that surrounds us – from the diversity in wildlife to the scenic landscapes of the hills of Karnataka, from the magnificent tales of history in monuments to the eternal serenity of some of our favorite destinations. Karnataka Tourism anticipates your return to travel getaways soon!

As we gradually cross off the day’s we have spent indoors, the anticipation to step out and freely tread the path grows. From feeling the warm sunlight against our faces, to the calm murmuring of wind, our desire to kick-off on more adventures is fueling. Karnataka Tourism awaits you with open arms, and until then, stay indoors, stay safe, and let your mind script your next adventure!

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